Saturday, August 14, 2010

Contribute to HMEG's tree fund by buying books on 8/21 and 8/22 at Borders

For a printable pdf of this voucher, click this link.

Shop at Midway Borders in-store and bring this bar code with you. Or, shop online and enter the Borders online code. A percentage of the net sales raised from this coupon will be donated to the Hamline Midway Tree Project to buy more trees for the neighborhood! Its Border's
Benefit Days – their way of giving back! Click to learn more about the HMEG Tree Team.

Hamline Midway Neighborhood Tree Project 8-21-10 to 8-22-10

Valid 08/21/10 – 08/22/10 at the Midway-St. Paul Store Only or Online using Borders Online Code: HMTP8212W for use at

Excludes previous purchases, gift cards, newspapers, magazines, coupon books, digital downloads, comics, special orders, video games, Smartbox products, Rosetta Stone software, and shipping. Void where prohibited by law. Any other use constitutes fraud. Cash value .01¢. Not redeemable for cash. Valid on 8/21/10 - 8/22/10.

Cashiers: Ring items, select S3, select S4, scan or enter barcode #, select S1, enter $0.01, and Total. Note: if a customer presents a Total Purchase coupon, such as "$5 off Total Purchase" or "10% off Total Purchase", use this barcode to ring that discount. Follow the instructions on the original coupon, but scan the barcode on the Benefits Day voucher. The register will only accept one barcode for Total Purchase coupons.

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